Wireless For Family Offices

Montana Consulting - Trust Expertise , Passionately Delivered

Wireless Sytems For Family Offices

Wireless networking is critical for any modern family office setup. Wireless was once an afterthought but with the prevalence of mobile phones, tablets and laptops being used by high net worth and ultra high net worth individuals, full coverage high power wireless has become an absolutely crucial part of the technology landscape. Luxury hotels for example will focus on providing amazing wireless coverage because it’s become as important to high net worth individuals as the other amenities that are offered. This pushes up the expectations of what wireless coverage should be, and when you couple this with all the additional devices that are on the network such as phones, tablets, watches, IOT devices like alarms, sensors, fridges, security cams, etc it shows that full coverage and full bandwidth are very important when you want to deliver an amazing wifi experience.

RF Surveys

We have a wealth of experience working with all the major wired and wireless manufacturers and we couple this with a unique and comprehensive RF radio frequency survey to determine the exact RF environment. This deep RF analysis then allows us to design complete coverage wifi solutions. A complete coverage wifi solution will take into consideration the unique RF characteristics of office spaces, listed buildings, mansion houses by understanding flooring types, wall thickness, other rf interference, building layout etc.

A full spectrum RF survey uncovers all the usually hidden factors that effect the final wifi experience. This is specifically important when dealing with older historic or mansion house buildings. In London for example the many mansion houses that we have worked with have very thick walls and very high ceilings, which has a profound effect on the RF environment creating unique issues which require thought and design skill to overcome. Our wifi RF engineers use the latest high-power software tools to analyse the environment, and then years of experience to make design suggestions.

Future Proofed Wireless In Family Office

A well designed high power wireless system in the office will ensure that you are able to communicate and converse with ease whilst roaming around the office. We can provision systems that are managed on-premise by your IT Manager or Team, or systems that are cloud hosted and managed by us. We always take the initial time to understand your needs now and potential future use, ensuring that the final system deployed is scalable for the future. 

Montana Consulting